I noticed a problem with the LE200 welder. I was trying to weld some mild steel (1/16” and 1/8”) And could not get it to create a puddle even with 200amps. It held a steady arch just never melted the metal. I tried different electrodes and double checked all the settings and couldn’t figure it out. I went and tried the plug in the automotive area with no success either. Not sure what’s wrong.
Dedication! I’ll be around tomorrow at 3PM if no one else has checked on it.
I brought over a cylinder strapped to the little cart we have and set flow to about 12-15cfh for a size 6 cup
I played with flow rate a little to see if maybe it was prohibiting it but no luck. Not sure on numbers past my initial 12-15.
Just incase, can you go over your settings? Can you verify the torch is plugged into negative?
I’ve got a class at 10AM tomorrow morning, so we’ve got to have one working TIG machine by then
If we can’t get it up and going then I’ll head up there in a bit and see what I can do. I’d like to be able to send an email out to the class tonight if it’s down and the Miller can’t be made to work.
Miller should be functional, and we have consumables. Ensure the water cooler is plugged into the main unit, settings should be googleable, however training on the Lincoln is completely different from the miller in my opinion.
If the Lincoln is truly broken, it’s likely the foot switch again…
If you head up there tonight I would check:
- Consumables, ensure all of them are there
- electrode negative
- Unplug foot control
- Ensure gas in cylinder
- Arc up and check the amps shown on the front of the lincoln, this should identify the foot switch as functional or not
Thanks for the list.
Do you know if we ever got a pedal for the miller?
I agree, but since we’ve only got one AD group, I might as well show them how to TIG
No, hand on-off switch only
I checked settings and had another member double check me. I noticed the pedal was loose before I moved it and tightened it down once I had moved it but no change. Didn’t realize I could check the machine while arcing.
@malcolmputer says he’s heading over. Should be there within the hour.
@malcolmputer fixed the connector on the foot pedal. It is working now.
I disassembled to foot pedal, and all of the wires in the connector were melted to each other. I shortened the cable a few inches (it’s many feet long so no issue there) and soldered the connector back up with fresh wire.
We tested it all welding class and it seems to be operating fine now.
No, totally not normal.
It was inside the big metal connector, and the strain relief was correctly clamped. I know that welder’s PSU decently well, and I’m not sure that it would have enough current on those lines to melt anything. I’m guessing external heating from the Tweco’s, but still doesn’t make sense as they don’t get that hot.
Really have no idea what happened.
so THAT happened…aaaand then it came to DMS…
(I kid, I kid, but seriously…)
And thank you!
Assume someone completely ignored the duty cycle of the machine for several hours, what would be the first thing to go?
Hands down, the torch. It would cook all of the copper in the air cooled torch well before anything else. That’s why I’m saying it’s really weird.
Like the only practical way you could have done this on purpose would be to heat the connector up with a propane torch or something.