Power went out here about 15 minutes ago and it is still out. The Oncor web site said it may be restored around 8:30.
Thanks for the update. I’ve pinned this globally and posted it on the Camera page.
When the power comes back on, could someone please update this.
Surprisingly, the Internet is still up. No way to know for how long…
There are … a lot … of batteries in that UPS that backs the server room. I vaguely recall 24 @ something like 20Ah x 12V. That would be ~5.7kWh DC if that’s the case.
Yeah… they weren’t quite enough… power completely out at this time.
I remember that UPS.
It was a donation and rather massive.
Srvr rm pulls a lot of pwr and the UPS may also pwr the AC for the rm.
Also may be time to do a batt check.
Which brings up a rather interesting question.
What kind of UPS is planned/needed for the new expansion area/srvr rm?
Most of the time, that I have seen, UPSes for server environments are made to just be enough to keep the servers running and stable for either small spikes/dips in power or until a generator powers up.
When was the last time we did battery maintenance on the UPS?
Is power still out??? Inquiring minds
Most are (hopefully) set up to tell srvrs, etc. to do an orderly shut down before the UPS batts run out of juice.
Have no idea about srvr rm UPS batt maintenance.
Yes, just drove past. The power is still off.
You are in town? Come by Quaker Space and work with hand tools!
Yes, power is still down. Power is back on across the street, and a block in every direction.
I assume adjacent buildings/lights are out. What about Parks across the street.
Parks is lit up like Christmas tree.
Oncor – Outage Map say 9:30 AM estimate for our area.
Did someone manage to tell Oncor that we have folks on site
I bet Parks is pitching food
Yeah, after being stranded in air and then diverting to Houston, finally landed in Dallas at 11pm. 7 hour flight almost lol
Curious, if Parks still has power, why would they be doing that? Nothing has changed for them. But shows local “grid” boundaries.
When we left right at dark that area was aksi darj Uf tget kist oiwer fir severak giyrs’I expect ths
refrigerated food would not be considered safe
I have a friend up north that told be about a run to th store when snow had taken puit
the power The store owner was giving away ally frozen an refrigerated food
Wouldn’t Parks have a generator? As there is food involved I would think they have to make sure they can keep refrigeration during an outage.