My 2010 ford edge needs some TLC which I do not have the experience to handle - Asking for help from my fellow DMS members.
a couple years ago a local dealership replaced the car’s airbags and obviously did not properly torque down a screw under or near the front passenger side airbag. Need help getting into that part of the dash to find & lock-tite this fastener down.
The drivers side windshield cleaner nozzle supply hose seems to have come loose or developed a fault but it’s sandwiched between the hood and some cover / liner which I can’t figure out how to get loose. Need help w/ that.
a couple more years ago a different dealership found that the mounting for the passenger rear door drive motor was loose causing a squeak there - need help getting that interior panel off to get in and tighten that mounting down again.
Willing to negotiate a fair dollar amount for this help. I’d like to try to make this happen in the next few days and am available to meet whatever time a willing member cares to help me out.