Has anyone seen a package from Johnson Plastics (dye sub ink) or Amazon (air compressor) for creative arts? They have not been located in the CA space or common areas.
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Ummmm. These are the 2 boxes that are sitting on the table next to the Women’s room. They have your name on them. Okay, they’re not over on the mail table, but they’re here.
Thanks. I only looked at the mail table. I’ll retrieve later this am.
@CaryF300 : I put the box from Johnson Plastics on top of the box of envelopes. Negotiating with @mblatz for a work day to put a latch on the second teaching cabinet so we can spread out the joy.
@mreynolds - I put the new airbrush in the cabinet to left of teacher cabinet. Hoping you can handle making whatever needs to go away do so and get new stuff suitable placed and pinkified.
Weren’t we gonna get a new compressor or two??