[RESOLVED] I need someone at the space during business hours

We are trying to get a plumber to quote us for repairing the toilet in the unisex bathroom, but I need someone to be at the space to let them in.

Would anyone be willing to volunteer to be at the space during “normal” business hours sometime this week?

What time frame could they do on Friday? I can give an hour or two in the morning, but can’t spend the entire day.

Thanks Mitch. I'll find out. I've got another member available Wednesday, but that may fall through since it was short notice. I'll let you know by close of business Wednesday.

I can help, I’m down the street and can pop by and let a plumber in. As long as i can leave after letting them in.

Thanks for the offers guys, looks like we are on for 2pm today with Ralph letting the plumber into the space.

Whelp, it changed again. Apparently 2pm is too late for the plumber, as the operation may take longer than 3 hours (which would cost us in “after hours” charges).

So @Nick will meet him there tomorrow. Thanks again guys.

Awesome. I too can be a resource in the future as I am also just “down the street.”

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Can members volunteer for repairs to help keep maintenance costs down? I’ve got plumbing/electrical and carpentry skills.

Absolutely! In fact, we rely on our volunteers for everything (we don’t have employees).

If there is something that needs fixing, fix it! If it’s a complex tool covered by a committee, check with them before making repairs (e.g. laser cutter). If you have any questions, please let me know.