[RESOLVED] Form 2 Preform software changed?

It now asks for a log in before showing the printer.

Did we change the software?

I do not remember having to do this the last time I printed several months ago. I am hesitant to enter my DMS credentials into their form.


Edit: this problem is only on the design computers in the Common Room. Preform is able to find the printer on the computer in 3D Fab.

Further edit: Problem resolved. John Gorman tells me the IP address is

Arrgh! Did this yesterday … and I can’t visualize what I did … I think you just ignore it. Maybe click on the area where the printer should be and it will show the printer …

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Unfortunately, it is not that easy.

From the Print dialog, I clicked on “Please select a printer…” and got the Select Printer dialog:

I clicked on “Add Printer…” and got the Add Printer dialog:

Walked over to 3D Fab and figured out the IP address for Serious mink. Typed it in and clicked “Connect”:

After awhile of:


Sorry, Bill. That screen is looking familiar, but I’m clearly not remembering what to do.

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