[RESOLVED] - Donner - Y stuck at coordinate 7.5 after origin - 10/7/18

Hi guys,

I’m using the rotary tool on Donner on Sunday, 10-7, at 9:15 am. While trying to position and focus the laser head, I accidentally double clicked ESC and sent the laser head back to its last origin in the upper left corner. An audible “thud” accompanied this.

After taking a look, here are the things I see:

X Axis: Responds to keypad commands
Z Axis: Responds to keypad commands
Y Axis: Does not move after a keypad command, but the coordinates on the Donner UI screen change. Hitting ESC resets the displayed number back to 7.5 mm. The y-axis is not physically stuck, and does move when nudged by hand, but I am not going out of my way to do this.

Any guidance on what I must do would be appreciated

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Since you mentioned rotary. ^ this comes to mind.

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Hey there, thanks for the quick reply. I had the machine in XYZ mode when the problem occurred and the switch was not enabled. I hadn’t downloaded a program, but in the RDworks software, I had checked the “Enable Rotary Mode button”. Just to be safe, I unchecked that option. The problem is still going on.

UPDATE: Based on the advice in the Wiki here, I attempted a Reset. The problem still is going on

Someone here has suggested using the OFF switch on the side of the machine to full reset the machine, but I’m hesitant to do that yet.

UPDATE: Powering down and then back on again resolved the issue.

Thank you for your time. I can be found at [email protected] if needed.


I’m glad that resolved.
FYI: Team Laser will be taking the machines offline at 11am for monthly meeting and maintenance. You’ll have about an hour from 11-noon to wrap up what you’ve started. Come join us in Purple Classroom to learn about how the area operates and is governed.


This issue with the rotary attachment comes up not-infrequently. Is there a good place on the wiki to post the image from above?

OK, in the absence of any input from Laser committee, I took the liberty of adding this (Y-axis disabled reset) to the Rotary tool section.

The committee should feel free to edit, move, delete, etc. this.


We’ve gone turtle…coming down from three consecutive days of Makerspace work: prepping for Open House, Open House, Maintenance Day. Long and late hours. @JoshW and @Scott_Blevins pulled all nighters. (plus for me…pulling off the 10x10 show). Thanks for having our backs while we re-energize! Slide looks great on the wiki. The red is an attention-getter.


Sorry - wasn’t being critical. I was just stating that I usurped authority. As always, Laser is free to change it.

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No worries. Didn’t see it as critical. Radio silence deserves an explanation.

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