It appears that the air compressor has an issue. This potentially affects other tools. For instance until fixed the HAAS is down.
Is there an open ticket?
Or someone clearly working on the issue?
And thank you for the broadcast.
Probably should be stickied until it’s resolved.
I don’t know. I just posted this because @bgangwere sent out a notice to the effect on the HAAS mailing list.
Do we know when it went down?
There was no air pressure 9:30am Sunday (6/12) morning when I tried to use it.
I turned it off and drained it yesterday (Sunday) around 4 PM, but I guess that didn’t fix it…
Drained it? As in bleed the water off or the air? If it can’t start with the head pressure, we likely have an issue with a start capacitor.
We have had issues with the dryer before and Brooks might be talking about that.
The air dryer builds up ice inside the piping when the compressor is sucking in hot damp air (like on Saturday). We have to turn off the dryer for an hour or two to let the ice melt so that compressed air will flow through the system again. We might consider having the dryer serviced, or even buying a new one.
Do we have an auto air blow down?
Yes, it runs every 15 minutes.
The laser cutters require compressed air to protect the optics so all of the laser cutters are down.
I do not see an open ticket on this issue in iTop.
is there an update on this?
Pearce fixed the air dryer, he said it was the same problem as last time, and it will work “until it breaks again.”
Do we have any idea what the “permanent fix” would be?
I know Chuck says something about servicing the dryer, but I don’t know what that means.
Is that “the fix”?
No matter… Thank you Pearce (and Stan for posting up)!
The real “fix” is to get a dryer that is rated for our compressor. The dryer we have was rated for the old Husky compressor, not the Quincy beast we have now. I think the plan is to put it on the BoD agenda… probably $1500-$2000.
I have a large spare dryer that I would be willing to donate. If I remember correctly it’s rated for 21cfm. I would have to check it out to make sure it works.
I believe that our air compressor is rated at 45cfm, 120psi.