My boyfriend and I have a yearly membership. We’d like to add my son, but on a monthly basis (at least until I see if he uses it or not). We didn’t see an option for this. Is it possible?
If you logon to the billing portal and select view available addon, under there you should see an option to add a family member.
Yes, but my boyfriend and I are paying yearly. When I go to that page, it only gives me the option to add another member on an annual basis. I want to add him on a monthly basis.
@StanSimmons, does this require some behind the scenes magic? I remember adding a monthly to a lifetime did .
I’ll have to do some incantations and sacrifice some chicken wings, but I’ll add a monthly to the account for you. Give me a few minutes.
You can go online and add a monthly addon now.
EDIT: I’ve added the add-on, you just need to go online and pay the invoice.
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Thanks so much!