Resin printing question (supports vs. exposure)

I’m resin printing castable wax. Part is roughly 1.2" x 0.7" x 0.1".

What it should look like:

What it looks like:

I have 9 supports along the leading edge, but I’m guessing I must not have had enough. Do I also have an exposure problem?

As an aside, I see there are also two large cracks along the “leading” edge. Thoughts? (EDIT: I didn’t notice when they appeared. It might be post-cure but I don’t know).

The only thing I can suggest is add thicker supports right on the corners. I have had similar deformations and that solved it. Looks like the peeling force popped a couple of supports and the surface reconnected as it was lifting out of the vat.

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Thanks. Makes sense.

FWIW, I thought I would add another axis tilt, so there is less unsupported length being printed in the initial layer(s). When I do that, look at how few supports it thinks it needs:


I don’t have enough experience with this to know, but somehow that just feels wrong. I’m going to add a whole bunch more supports just in case.

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That it certainly too lean on quantity of supports. Many people are having big issues with later versions of Chitubox doing supports correctly.

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Agree. My takeaway is that this tilt is conceptually a more self-supported orientation, but I’m not taking the support recommendations literally.