Background: I need to pour some clear resin inside a small metal pot. I will place baked polymer clay inside the resin. The inside of the pot will be painted white (probably enamel). The resin, when hardened, is supposed to look like a pot of pasta cooking.
Question: Is there some type of resin that won’t interact with the paint, or some type of paint that won’t interact with the resin? It just has to last long enough to harden without getting completely milky - a little bit is OK, because pasta water looks a little milky as the starch releases.
I can’t powder coat or enamel the pot because I used solder that is too low temp for those applications. And I also have the outside painted.
I believe polyester would be a good choice. It’s like epoxy (resin + catalyst). It hardens crystal clear. I recall it pouring like water. The typical use is encasing knickknacks (like embedding a butterfly to make a paper weight). If you go this route and need a link let me know.
Bar-top epoxy may be a good choice (like the stuff used on the Common Room tables).
Polyester bar top resin should be just fine. I personally prefer East Coast Resin brand (amazon), but as John stated it wouldn’t hurt to have a 3rd opinion from the pro’s who sell the stuff
Woodland Scenics sells something called “EZ Water”. It’s a low-melting-point plastic 180 degrees). Can be remelted. Designed to install over painted surfaces. Costs about $16.
They also have a two part, slow cure resin called “Deep Pour” which is non-shrinking, won’t discolor/yellow over time, and is also designed to be poured over painted surfaces. Comes in two varieties: clear and murky. Runs about $30.
I believe both of these are carried at HobbyLobby, so it’s a perfect use for that 40% off coupon!