[Request] I'd take this class if it were offered

A semi-practical use-case for becoming more familiar with using an Oscilloscope. He uses an Arduino Uno as a testbed for probing various signals with an oscilloscope.

This sounds like a great idea for a DMS class and one in which the students could have a ready-made candidate for additional practice once the class were over.

Anyone up to teaching such a class?
Learn Six Oscilloscope Measurements with an Arduino


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I would expect a great deal of our e-lab users should be able to teach a class like this.

I know how to do the ones of those 6 that are supported on my 'scope at home, and I’m sure after an hour or two of familiarization I could teach a class on it using a 'scope at the makerspace.

This does present the question though, should I do this class, or another welding class. I wish there was some way to determine the overall “need” for a class so I could prioritize the classes I want to teach by the number of attendees willing to take the class.

Welding. Welding. Welding…

I had a sneaky suspicion that would be the answer.

I really do think we should have a potential class poll or something so I could just say, look, there are 100 people who want to know how to weld, and 20 people who want to know how to X and so I’ll teach welding then.

@HankCowdog I think this is a great class idea, and I’ve been hoping there would be more foundational electrical classes at DMS so I can start teaching some more advanced classes.

Back to the original topic, who want’s to teach this class?

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I can take a look in a couple of weeks. I’m very busy with some projects of my own until after July 4th, but I have a lot of scope experience.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Welding is not soldering - Soldering class Discussion

Sweet! Will keep an eye out!