(3) Details of ISSUE or REQUEST (Please be as specific as possible):
As we grow and add more BoD Agenda Items to the list, it would be nice to find a way to sort them by date.
Currently, they are sorted by last commented.
Some solutions may be to create a new sub-category for each meeting. I’m not convinced that is the best way.
I am looking for suggestions & comments and therefore not putting this under Issues & Requests
The advanced search allows “posted before” or “posted after” dates, which is kind of useful here. A neato plugin to allow a third choice of between would be nifty and useful in this case…
On the Wiki, it orders them by the list order. It would be nice if people added their item at the end instead of inserting into the top or middle. Also if you know your item is going to have some discussion, don’t put it into the consent agenda!
Thanks … I’ve noticed that you have made sure that all of the agenda items are posted and in the correct format
Scrolling through the list … I see a few that slipped through the cracks …
Can we make the title template include “BoD Agenda 00/00/0000: Insert Wiki Title Here”
And include something like this in the basic layout of the BoD agenda talk template
Some over at the discourse forum talk about using Google but only by putting Google Search on the 404 page. The goal is to be able to do effective search without leaving discourse.