Replacing Subframe Bolts on MK5 Jetta

I recently discovered during a visit to Firestone that my 2007 MK5 Jetta is missing most of its subframe bolts. Prices for a full kit go for $100+, but based on the quote I got and skimming some forums, it seems $20 of OEM Audi bolts are a common fix and upgrade. I’m not sure exactly what the parts / sizes are, so while I do some research, I thought I’d check here to see if anyone has already some knowledge.

Related: I’m replacing both front control arms, after the steering wheel has deviated a full 90 to the left. I’ll report on the Show & Tell if anyone is interested in that.

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VW Parts man to the rescue! @TLAR

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Hellsyeah! :+1:
(B4 & after pics, or it didn’t happen… :wink: )

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