Is someone going to be around this weekend that can meet me on-site to replace my “+1” fob?
(By “+1”, I’m referring to my membership, which is “me +1” where “+1” is a family member with a non-voting $10 add-on to my account. That family member lost their fob. Mine still works.)
I’ve already disabled the lost fob in Maker Manager, all I need now is a replacement hunk of hardware. I can step through the request form myself.
Also, above-mentioned family member has already signed the liability waiver, for those that might bring it up.
you can use the maker manager interface to add / remove RFIDs on your own. the rfid number is printed on the new fob itself.
also, has anyone successfully strengthened the key chain fobs? they break a lot easier than i’d like and i’ve been brainstorming some way to make them attach stronger.