Reminder: Shop Closure: 10/5/2018 @ 6:30 PM & Cleanup for Open House

Just a reminder that the Machine Shop will close Friday starting at 6:30 for a general cleanup for open house on Saturday. Come join us and help get the shop in order. The shop is in pretty good shape so we just need some final sweeping and wipe down of the machines. And, I will be providing PIZZA.
Bring something you’ve made for inclusion in our display case and join us on open house for some camaraderie with current and potential members. We can’t have the machines running but we can talk them up.


Is this supposed to be 10/5?

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yes, thank you. It is corrected and is on the Calendar. cheers!

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Bump and reminder. the shop will close Friday for open house. Please come out and help us get it ready. cheers!