I would have hoped I don’t have to remind people this, but the PlasmaCAM (just like other CAM equipment in the space such as Lasers or MultiCAM) is not something you can be more than arms reach from when it is running and needs your full attention.
That machine can easily get damaged if not shut off quickly in the event of a malfunction.
I also would hope I don’t have to remind people to wear PPE when running it; I see people in cutoffs running with it without donning aprons, I see people not checking if others in the shop have glasses of any kind before suddenly starting it, and I see users even remove their PPE whilst it’s running and go work on something else.
You don’t need the AWS shades if you’re not looking at it, but everyone in the room needs something with the z87+U rating (we have a shelf full of them).
Anyone who leaves that machine whilst it’s mid-cut won’t be running it for long.