Just a friendly reminder to make sure to set the miter saw (and table saw) back to 90 degrees vertical. I had cut a piece today and did not realize that the miter saw was tilted a few degrees (like 87-ish) and screwed up the piece.
This more applies for the miter saw, because for some reason, the tilt gauge on the left hand side of the saw is accurate (0 reads 0) but the gauge on the right hand side is off slightly, so it could be confusing.
(P.S. I know some of you might say this is user error for not checking prior to turning the saw on. Admittedly it is. But if you move the saw out of square please move it back and check alignment, especially if it is not immediately obvious to another user until it is too late).
I agree with you in suggesting proper etiquette is to set the saw back to 90 degrees. Just want to point out - it’s REALLY tough to adjust the tilt on that thing. I’ve seen several people struggle trying to get it to tilt to ANY angle. I’m thinking people are giving up on resetting back to 90 degrees. Wonder if there’s something we can do to improve that situation
I pulled the saw out about halfway and used the digital angle gauge (the same ones for the table saw), attached it to the blade to straighten it.
It seemed like a safe option as long as one takes care to not activate the trigger button. If anyone has a better idea please let me know!