All, I am new to DMS, and registered for the Blacksmtihing basics- Intro to Induction Forge and KMG Grinder class that is happening on Thursday night the 10th. Then I thought I was going to have to attend something at my kids’ school so I cancelled. It turns out that his school thing was moved to Saturday so I am, in fact, able to attend. The problem is that it still shows up under my attending events section if I login, but when I click on the View Your Registration button, it says Your registration has been cancelled. A refund has been issued, if applicable.
Bottom line is that I’d really like to attend if their is still room, and I don’t know how to mark it as though I’ll be there. If the class is full, I completely understand. Any help would be appreciated.
@brsims Hey Brad, Peter signed up for your class and accidentally cancelled it. Is it still possible for him to attend? Once you’ve verified he’s taken the class, Stan or I can add him to the AD group.
To my knowledge, you’re out of luck. It seems to be a problem with the calendar software.
In the past, however, I’ve had success with reaching out to the instructor directly, or creating a second calendar account to grab the spot in the class, and then when you show up explain it to the instructor.
It is time for this miserable misfeature to die a quick death. As I understand it, reregistering was deliberately prohibited to prevent making multiple charges for the same thing to a credit card, possibly setting fraud alerts.
Classes without a fee should allow registration despite prior cancellation.
Damn it, I have to cancel anyways it’s like I’m not destined to take this class, first one I caught that was open and out of state family decide to come in that day. O well, at least y’all do them pretty frequently, thanks for that. Maybe the stars will align for the Tuesday one