Regarding Board Members & Officers of DMS

Since we are going into an election now, I have always wondered about my following question. Are the Treasurer & Secretary required to be Board Members? In most organizations traditionally they are but our bylaws & rules do not specify.

My thoughts are that it seems being all three, Board Member, Secretary & Treasurer, is what made the treasurer position so burdensome. I completely understand why Ben had so much to do. If the secretary & treasurer where separate roles as officers instead of BoD, it may get more people interested in serving DMS. I know we have plans to make accounts and bookkeeping a paid service. This is a great step forward for such a big organization.

I missed my opportunity to bring this up at the last BoD meeting but I would like to nominate @BenjaminGroves for a Dallas Makerspace Fellowship for outstanding service to DMS. Of course we have had excellent service by all BoD but Ben had the biggest role keeping the lights on, honorariums paid and an excellent push for more transparency and planning. Thank you Sir!


they are not required to be board members, we encouraged against it last time so people wouldnt get burned out


I agree with your logic, but I think there’s a concern that giving board members (past or present) free things is a big no-no. @Robert_Davidson can fill in the details.

Sorry, I was unclear. After he is no longer on the BoD, just Plain O’ Ben. :bust_in_silhouette:

So on the May BoD Meeting.

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