Recent Woodshop class

I recently attended and completed a Woodshops Basics and safety class on June 29. I am still waiting to hear back from the class instructor on activating my key fob for the use of the woodshop. I have emailed the instructor and have not received a reply back. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

@SWA can you ping Peter/ask to verify…? I don’t know his username on this platform.


He will be in later today

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Can you verify he has/had an account?

I could look for this guy on AD, but he didn’t put his real name in his Talk setup.

Taking this into PMs to figure out. Will update here with resolution later.

@Thegodfathers276 I need to know your DMS username (The username that you use to log into computers at the MakerSpace)

@SWA @jsnowfreedman i checked the event and none of the 5 people who were marked present had their AD updated. Presumably all 5 that were marked present should have their AD updated and it would be better to wait for @BirdMan to confirm and update the 5 all at once.


Yes, that’s why I said that I took it to PMs as well, and chatted with both of them in person yesterday… I was checking who all showed up and who the extra people were.

Hello, my Uncle and I both attended the Woodshop safety class last Thursday taught by Peter. My Uncle was able to register prior to the class but I wasn’t. I was the 6th person in the group. Peter checked and got approval that I could attend the class that night. Since Peter didn’t have my name for registration he gave me his email to contact him. I was to send payment for the class and he was going to activate my key fob. I’ve emailed him 3 times but have been unsuccessful with a return message.
Joe Garzarelli

Yes, I understand, I need both of your DMS usernames.

These usernames are what you would have set up in the billing portal and/or maker manager for the makerspace. I cannot look you up via name easily.

I looked through the Active Directory, and you aren’t listed under Joe or Joseph Garzarelli. But – you probably knew that.

So yeah – we just have to bump Peter. He’s not the most computery guy…

Hi, My Uncle is Richard Smith. The account is registered under his name… I (Joseph Garzarelli) am a “contact” member under his account.
Joe G

The correct phrase is “add-on” or “family member”. I harp on this because the “contact” in the billing system is a completely separate concept, and has nothing to do with the tasks at hand (Active Directory group membership). Add-ons are managed by the primary member in Maker Manager, not in the billing system.

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Username: southfork

Primary member : Richard Smith. Username: southfork.
I am a family member listed under him

My username is southfork

I am an add on/family member

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Any update info if Peter/birdman activated our key fobs??We attended his workshop safety class on June 28

Yes, attendance was updated.