RDWorks - where to download it?

Took the 101 class yesterday (Thanks, Mark!) and am trying to find the same version (8.18) that is being used in the lab. RDWorks website only has a higher version that it explicitly says is not backward compatible.

I’ve logged into the Jump Server but don’t see an installation executable anywhere - please help a newbie locate it so I can get it on my own PC at home.


The lasers are now on version .19, the same as Thunder Laser offers.

Go to File Explorer, N:\Laser

I logged in remotely to physical.dallasmakerspace.org using RDP. There is no N:\ drive mapped.

I’ll download on Thunder Laser’s site and see if I can find it there - or I’ll grab it on a USB stick next time I’m in. Thanks!

I am not sure why you did not see the mapped drives (under This PC). If it did not look like this, you can type "\\files\committees" and access it that way.

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Here’s what I have - no mapped drives! But yes, I can whack-whack to it (\files\committees) - may be in my RDP setup.

Looks like double quote backlash creates an escape character. The first backlash did not show.

It should read:

Thanks - and to whoever the kind person was that fixed my remote login so that the drives map, a HUGE thank you as well. I could have simply opened and issue, and was about to today, but when I logged in, voila! everything worked as it should. That’s teamwork!

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Mapped drives are being flakey on many things for people at the space these last few days.