Raspberry Pi (3) based game console and acessories

I have got couple of rpi 3 lying around and wanted to check if anyone has used the rpis to make gaming console. How did you build them and whats your experience with them.

Is this a question for @Team_Vector?

I’ve used RetroPie a few times. They have a good community and lots of recommendations depending on which emulations you’re trying to run. I run mine with just a few USB controllers, but you can even build a mini arcade cabinet if that’s what you’re going for:

Folks from Vector may have some other recommendations

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which USB controllers do you use? I would just connect my TV, don’t have space for an arcade :slightly_smiling_face:

I have two generic logitech ones that just kinda work.
I grabbed these generic SNES wireless pads as well. The system can handle bluetooth, but the setup can get a bit wonky (at least as of a year and a half ago)

If you want a bit better feel, use some OEM controllers with USB adapters. Generic USB HID protocols mean that most things that present as a joypad just work.

I used just a standard Pi enclosure. I used cheap USB controllers then played games with my kids. My daughter kicked my ass in Mortal Kombat. I just followed the multiple YouTube videos on them.


yeah that’s what I am looking to do, play with my kid.

The Raspberry PI folks have an x86 version called Raspberry PI Desktop that can install on any old laptop computer. Beware, when you install it it will wipe out everything on the laptop’s harddrive and replace it with the Raspberry PI operating system. With this system you can connect up an external PI Zero board via the USB port and your laptop’s code now has access to the 40 pin Raspberry PI interface. Ideal for connecting up all the PI Hat interface boards to.

I do not have much experience with this new system, just grabbed an old laptop out of the closet and installed the software yesterday. I plugged in the PI Zero, without any memory cards inserted, and it automatically recognized the additional 40 pin interface.

No more seperate PI, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and cables all over the place. Just used an old laptop that was heading for the trash anyway. The new PI Desktop operating System now has more processing speed than the Raspberry PI had anyway…and you can still use all of those PI Hats for additional interfaces to the real world.

This is awesome.