Raku Event Kiln Run Request OCT 29-31st

Requesting at least a shelf for now, maybe a full run between the 29-31st for the DMS raku event. Glaze class around 1-3rd.

Can you add me to the kiln team until then? I can handle loading unloading if needed.

Thanks! :grinning:

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Johnny, we can add you to the firing team and get you through the training process. Not sure we will be able to get you through the process before the 29th but we can certainly try. I will be sending a PM on talk to all of the folks on the firing team this afternoon.

We will use this method to talk about plans for the Kiln loading and unloading and making sure we get all trainees up to speed.

I’d rather just reserve a whole run that week, and not have to worry about the schedule if you guys are unsure. I can unload no problem.


Johnny, I’m not sure I understand what you mean. If you want to be on the firing team we can put your through the training process. That process is separate from scheduling a special run for Raku items, we can work that out with the firing team and get it done for you.

Please help me understand if you just want the special run scheduled and you want to be on the firing team.

Thanks, Monika

Both please. Thank you. Sorry if I read that wrong. Just wanting clarification for the class run so I can get the glaze class up. :+1:t3:

Raku event has a storage shelf, if it fills will confirm load size near the date. :pray:t3:

I’ve got two buddha statues that need to be bisqued for this event. They are on the shelf. I can label them tonight if they aren’t already in the kiln by then.

I’ll look for them when I load the next bisque. Thanks for the information :grinning: