Rails / React Meet-Up Sunday 11-19

For anyone interested in working on Rails / React projects (or Ruby, JavaScript, CodeWars, etc.), I plan to post up in the DMS common room tomorrow afternoon & evening. Since we don’t have another meet up before the first Day 4 session, it’d be great to have another chance to talk through our projects and Lynda/CodeCademy questions, especially for those of us who will be out of town for Thanksgiving :wink:


I’ll join you. But I’m on a diet — no pizza for me

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I get an alert whenever someone mentions pizza on talk. I might have to stop by to say hi!


A wee bit busy with the helpline job board for the space and fighting the honorarium board over VCC’s javascript and react classes.

But I’d love to hear more about this CodeWars?

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Those of us who are new to Ruby in the Ruby/Rails/React classes have been cutting our coding teeth in part by working through problems on Codewars. You can find more info on the Ruby on Rails Interest Group wiki https://dallasmakerspace.org/wiki/Ruby_On_Rails_Interest_Group


Cool… Looks like there’s two resources you guys missed on your wiki page.

  1. Heroku a free rails hosting platform
  2. c9 a free rails and node ide in the cloud

A good tutorial is at https://medium.com/@pitadey/rails-api-development-setup-with-postgres-on-cloud9-in-under-15-minutes-27c2772495b8 which if anyone wants a class and hackathon on it I’ll be glad to put it on the calendar?