At one point in the past, I remember that we had discussed, applied for, acquired, or alternately completely dismissed the idea of having a club license. I do not remember how that went.
I seem to recall offering to be a sponsoring member for the license, though I don’t remember if my name/call ended up on that paperwork.
Due to time and cost considerations, I am no longer a member of DMS. I’m not sure what implication that has if I am still on this hypothetical paperwork. I just renewed my Extra, so I’m good for another 10 years if it’s actively being used. It’s not a critical issue for me if it is, but it’s a loose end I wanted to tie up.
I guess what I’m asking is, does anyone have any useful information about this topic?
I’m pretty sure there is no license for DMS now. I don’t know all of the details but the license going away led to the closing of the Amateur Radio committee. Which opened up the “closet” in the back that now houses Hatcher’s Workshop.
I must be remembering a discussion about an ownership transfer that never happened, since I wasn’t a member in 2012. There was something about needing five sponsors, but clearly that went nowhere.