Unfortunately our last Pyro event was canceled due to weather but looking forward to next time. To give DMS members a flavor of our events I thought I would share a video from an international PAT member: http://youtu.be/IRPKGm3fKXE
Seem familiar @william_petefish, @nick, @AndrewLeCody, @Robert_Davidson
We need to start planning for spring!
I thought about posting that as well, then I realized they are way further way than we were.
Yeah we were closer, and they weren’t lighting “Fountains”
Yeah fountains the safest fire out there, all they do is spark and sizzle. They haven’t seen our fountains
fizzle bright light fizzle bright light fizzle bright light fizzle bright light fizzle bright light fizzle thud
Then followed by manic laughter.