The good news. John Gorman ran a great campaign and is now Chair of PR, designate. Congratulations.
John has also piled his plate high with his family. Teaching classes. Chair of Classroom. Chair of PR.
Will the Board confirm him to run two Committees?
For all the conspiracy folks. You are thinking, “Ah ha, Steve WANTS to go back to being Chair of PR.” I am officially NOT available.
I have tasted FREEDOM. If John is confirmed or not confirmed as Chair of PR. I am not going back to running PR. It frees up some time in my life and removes any perceived conflict of interest.
PR is an ongoing task. 5-20 hours a week. EVERY week. That time has been given back to me. Wahoo!
@talkers If you need anything from a sadly remote member, please let me know. I’ll volunteer at least 5 hours a week to help PR achieve it’s goals. Documentation, research and financials are what I’m best at.
@talkers I will continue to support PR with slides for the monitors.
And [insert shameless plug for 10x10 Show and its Great Team here].
While everyone is wondering how to help PR, @Diplomat needs several extra people to make hangers for the 10x10 Show, which supports PR’s Open House. It’s wire bending. He’s got a system. What more could you ask for?
I don’t get why you’re asking the rhetorical question about whether or not he will be confirmed.
As if you’re not one of the people who would vote on that confirmation…
If he’s not confirmed and you’re no longer chair either then what? Have another election?
I was under the impression that there weren’t any official limits on the number of committees one could serve on. If a person can serve as board member and as chair I don’t see any reason to assume a person couldn’t be chair of two committees and still do a good job.
I’m sorry, I just don’t understand why you’re suggesting he’s not fit to run two committees.
Isn’t the board trying to make PR an advisory group anyhow?
Seems like anything the board wants done is a forgone conclusion so why even bother raising these doubts?
It looks like sour-grape flavored FUD from where I’m sitting
I would scuddle John’s nomination to be PR Chair so that I could continue to be PR Chair.
With me as a non-starter. It cleans a possible conflict of interest between BOD and Chair confirmations.
The question is not about John. ALL Committee Chairs and the BoD will have a higher workload during the Expansion.
As far as that goes, all members will be asked to help with the Expansion. There will be a laundry list of things to be completed. Please consider giving a little time as you are able. I find Chris Marlos’s requests for 5 minute tasks interesting. Thank you to those who have completed any of them. There will be many more. The end result will be spectacular.
Classroom and PR Committees especially will have more work. My previous post about PR stands, currently, it will take 5-20 hours a week to run. Between now and the completion of the Expansion that maybe a low estimate.
I cannot imagine that Classroom would be less than 5 hours a week.
John has a family. John teaches classes. John has other responsibilities outside of DMS. And John now chairs 2 Committees. Real world it is a lot of work to expect of a single volunteer.
I emailed John this morning before I posted this. I put this on TALK so that it can be discussed and so the dialogue at the BOD will not be a surprise.
Allow him both Chairs WITHOUT discussion? Really? At DMS?
Seems like if John thinks he can do it and the committees think he can do it (since he was elected), it’s a little presumptuous of any of us to question his time management skills unless or until he gives us a reason to do so- I’m willing to bet he won’t.
Chairs are here to organize and recruit members for committees, not to do all the work. BUT all too often the chair is the one to take it on and get things done. One big plus for John is he knows lots of people. He got lots of new people for the committees through the votes for his committees. There will be lots to do for the expansion. I think we should step up and help our chairs and take some of the load off.
We need all those committee members that voted in the chair elections to take a task in their (perhaps new) committees, then we can get it all done.