Proposed agenda item for next Woodshop Meeting

I’d like to propose we research the feasibility of adding one or more electrostatic air cleaners to the Woodshop to clean the air for breathing and to reduce the workload on air conditioner filters.

I had a similar model, and liked it. It proved invaluable after wildfires dumped soot and ash outside that entered my home.

It’s too small for the whole shop, but larger models are available:

If a different brand is better, we can go with a different brand.

Thank you for considering the idea.

I think a couple of these would be a better fit. I just can’t see a desktop model lasting very long. cheers!

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We already have 2 of the Jet filters (a smaller model I believe) in the woodshop, they just get very easily overwhelmed.

Are we still buying name branded filters for these? I know we can get custom filters made up to fit them at a greatly reduced cost, that’s what we have done at my workplace.


We have 2 pair of reuseable filters for the Jet Air Cleaners. One set is in the machine, one set is on the top shelf in the annex next to the Festool boxes.

It takes a minute to change and clean them, and everyone is welcome to do just that. I will be at the Space tomorow if anyone has questions on how to use a ladder, change a filter or clean a filter.

I try and change them everytime I am at the space.