Proposal - Creative Arts Disciplinary Action Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

“Accidental destruction of property not through misuse” should have a two-tier action, one for self-admission (Level 0), one for not reporting (Level 1?).

From a Laser perspective, non-reporting is the worst offense. Why? Unreported damage…regardless of whether its cause is misuse or wear-and-tear…can lead to safety issues, even more damage (which sets up a vicious cycle of more safety issues and more cost), and always eats up enormous amounts of a volunteer’s time to track down the culprit on the camera feed. @Team_Laser needs to save its limited hours for fixing things, not replaying cameras. Costly on multiple fronts.

To my knowledge, Laser has not taken disciplinary action on anyone who has self-reported any offense. We don’t want someone to so fear punishment that they choose the Stay Quiet Option - which is, to repeat, way too costly. But keep quiet and we find you…that’s a whole different thing. We’ll invalidate all your training, Thunder and Zing. Tell Stan to pull your certification from the AD so you can’t log onto our computers. You can then re-take the classes, when you can find an opening that suits your schedule. Or we’ll substitute helping on Maintenance Day.

EDIT (from @Bill): “Plus not putting a sign on a broken machine may lead to other members wasting time and/or material. Not excellent.”


Plus not putting a sign on a broken machine may lead to other members wasting time and/or material. Not excellent.


That’s a great point! I’ve got a list going of things to add/adjust.

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How about “suspension of privileges to access/use X”?

Membership & required tool/equipment training should be seen as a privilege to access to DMS & tools; which can be taken away when deemed necessary.


A lot of good comments have already been posted. An important fact is that you can only ban (screw the politically correct suspend verbage) a member from your committee until the next BoD meeting. that should not preclude going to the board for a longer ban depending on the gravity of the matter.

One thing to make clear is that there should be no argument over a documented disciplinary action over committee rules. Here’s my POV: If I have to actually ban someone from the committee area for cause, and they want to argue about it, it automatically gets elevated to a complaint in front of the BoD. Only the requested ban is not from the committee area, it is from DMS. it’s their choice. The BoD always say they have your back. Put it to the test. It is important however, that committee rules be clearly documented on the wiki,