After the extensive work on exception handling, I indulged in a couple of rabbit holes.
The first is writing a “small” emulator to enable running programs written for the SWTPC 6800 on a system based on the 6809. This is possible because a “full boat” 6809 system contains 56K of RAM while the maximum is 40K for the 6800.
That gives me a whopping 16K of memory for the emulator. I map the I/O devices from $80xx on the 6800 to $E0xx on the 6809, and thunk calls to the FLEX operating system from $ADxx to $CDxx.
At this point, I can run the assembler and the BASIC and Extended BASIC interpreters on simple programs. Performance is about 1/10 of native speeds as expected.
The second is a bit more ambitious and has direct application to much of what I have been doing in this thread, writing compilers.
In the early days, I was obsessed with a programming language called PL/M. It was modeled after PL/I, a programming language from the IBM mainframe, but was intended to be used to program microprocessors. It was somewhat legendary because Gary Kildall reportedly used it to write his CP/M operating system.
I never got to program in PL/M. As far as I know, it was never available to actually run on CP/M, but it had to be used either on an expensive development system from Intel or some mini and mainframe computers.
PL/M is a fairly simple language. It has only two data types: byte and address. Address was the term for two-byte quantities. It was actually more of a high-level assembler than C, its minicomputer competitor. Arithmetic is always treated as unsigned. Adding or subtracting byte values result in a byte value. Mixing a byte and an address promotes the byte by zero extension; storing an address into a byte lops off the upper byte.
A great summary is here if you want to see more:
So with the technology I already have, I put together a compiler for a subset of PL/M. I targeted the 6800 processor because it is something I know well.
P$Test: do;
declare (A0, A1, A2) address, (B0, B1, B2) byte;
B0 = 1;
B1 = 2 + B0;
B1 = B1 + 1;
B2 = B0 + B1;
A0 = B0;
B2 = 3 + A0;
A0 = B0 + 1;
A0 = B0 + 256;
A0 = B0 + 257;
B2 = A0;
A1 = A0 + B1;
A2 = B2 + A1;
A0 = 1;
A1 = 2 + A1;
A2 = A0 + A1;
A2 = A0 + 0;
A2 = A0 + 1;
A2 = A0 + 256;
A2 = A0 + 257;
A2 = 256 + B0;
A2 = 257 + B0;
A2 = 1 + 2;
goto 0AD03h;
end P$Test;
compiles to
00001 * P$Test: do;
00003 lib ptest.dat
. 00004
.0000 00005 _PTEST.A0 rmb 2
. 00006
.0002 00007 _PTEST.A1 rmb 2
. 00008
.0004 00009 _PTEST.A2 rmb 2
. 00010
.0006 00011 _PTEST.B0 rmb 1
. 00012
.0007 00013 _PTEST.B1 rmb 1
. 00014
.0008 00015 _PTEST.B2 rmb 1
0009 00017 _PTEST
00018 *
00019 * declare (A0, A1, A2) address, (B0, B1, B2) byte;
00020 *
00021 * B0 = 1;
0009 C6 01 [2] 00022 ldab #1
000B D7 06 [4] 00023 stab _PTEST.B0
00024 * B1 = 2 + B0;
000D D6 06 [3] 00025 ldab _PTEST.B0
000F CB 02 [2] 00026 addb #2
0011 D7 07 [4] 00027 stab _PTEST.B1
00028 * B1 = B1 + 1;
0013 D6 07 [3] 00029 ldab _PTEST.B1
0015 5C [2] 00030 incb
0016 D7 07 [4] 00031 stab _PTEST.B1
00032 *
00033 * B2 = B0 + B1;
0018 D6 06 [3] 00034 ldab _PTEST.B0
001A DB 07 [3] 00035 addb _PTEST.B1
001C D7 08 [4] 00036 stab _PTEST.B2
00037 *
00038 * A0 = B0;
001E D6 06 [3] 00039 ldab _PTEST.B0
0020 4F [2] 00040 clra
0021 97 00 [4] 00041 staa _PTEST.A0
0023 D7 01 [4] 00042 stab _PTEST.A0+1
00043 *
00044 * B2 = 3 + A0;
0025 D6 01 [3] 00045 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
0027 96 00 [3] 00046 ldaa _PTEST.A0
0029 CB 03 [2] 00047 addb #3
002B 89 00 [2] 00048 adca #0
002D D7 08 [4] 00049 stab _PTEST.B2
00050 *
00051 * A0 = B0 + 1;
002F D6 06 [3] 00052 ldab _PTEST.B0
0031 5C [2] 00053 incb
0032 4F [2] 00054 clra
0033 97 00 [4] 00055 staa _PTEST.A0
0035 D7 01 [4] 00056 stab _PTEST.A0+1
00057 *
00058 * A0 = B0 + 256;
0037 D6 06 [3] 00059 ldab _PTEST.B0
0039 86 01 [2] 00060 ldaa #1
003B 97 00 [4] 00061 staa _PTEST.A0
003D D7 01 [4] 00062 stab _PTEST.A0+1
00063 *
00064 * A0 = B0 + 257;
003F D6 06 [3] 00065 ldab _PTEST.B0
0041 4F [2] 00066 clra
0042 CB 01 [2] 00067 addb #1
0044 89 01 [2] 00068 adca #1
0046 97 00 [4] 00069 staa _PTEST.A0
0048 D7 01 [4] 00070 stab _PTEST.A0+1
00071 *
00072 * B2 = A0;
004A D6 01 [3] 00073 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
004C D7 08 [4] 00074 stab _PTEST.B2
00075 *
00076 * A1 = A0 + B1;
004E D6 01 [3] 00077 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
0050 96 00 [3] 00078 ldaa _PTEST.A0
0052 DB 07 [3] 00079 addb _PTEST.B1
0054 89 00 [2] 00080 adca #0
0056 97 02 [4] 00081 staa _PTEST.A1
0058 D7 03 [4] 00082 stab _PTEST.A1+1
00083 *
00084 * A2 = B2 + A1;
005A D6 08 [3] 00085 ldab _PTEST.B2
005C 4F [2] 00086 clra
005D DB 03 [3] 00087 addb _PTEST.A1+1
005F 99 02 [3] 00088 adca _PTEST.A1
0061 97 04 [4] 00089 staa _PTEST.A2
0063 D7 05 [4] 00090 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00091 *
00092 * A0 = 1;
0065 CE 0001 [3] 00093 ldx #1
0068 DF 00 [5] 00094 stx _PTEST.A0
00095 * A1 = 2 + A1;
006A D6 03 [3] 00096 ldab _PTEST.A1+1
006C 96 02 [3] 00097 ldaa _PTEST.A1
006E CB 02 [2] 00098 addb #2
0070 89 00 [2] 00099 adca #0
0072 97 02 [4] 00100 staa _PTEST.A1
0074 D7 03 [4] 00101 stab _PTEST.A1+1
00102 *
00103 * A2 = A0 + A1;
0076 D6 01 [3] 00104 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
0078 96 00 [3] 00105 ldaa _PTEST.A0
007A DB 03 [3] 00106 addb _PTEST.A1+1
007C 99 02 [3] 00107 adca _PTEST.A1
007E 97 04 [4] 00108 staa _PTEST.A2
0080 D7 05 [4] 00109 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00110 *
00111 * A2 = A0 + 0;
0082 DE 00 [4] 00112 ldx _PTEST.A0
0084 DF 04 [5] 00113 stx _PTEST.A2
00114 *
00115 * A2 = A0 + 1;
0086 D6 01 [3] 00116 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
0088 96 00 [3] 00117 ldaa _PTEST.A0
008A CB 01 [2] 00118 addb #1
008C 89 00 [2] 00119 adca #0
008E 97 04 [4] 00120 staa _PTEST.A2
0090 D7 05 [4] 00121 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00122 *
00123 * A2 = A0 + 256;
0092 D6 01 [3] 00124 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
0094 96 00 [3] 00125 ldaa _PTEST.A0
0096 4C [2] 00126 inca
0097 97 04 [4] 00127 staa _PTEST.A2
0099 D7 05 [4] 00128 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00129 *
00130 * A2 = A0 + 257;
009B D6 01 [3] 00131 ldab _PTEST.A0+1
009D 96 00 [3] 00132 ldaa _PTEST.A0
009F CB 01 [2] 00133 addb #1
00A1 89 01 [2] 00134 adca #1
00A3 97 04 [4] 00135 staa _PTEST.A2
00A5 D7 05 [4] 00136 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00137 *
00138 * A2 = 256 + B0;
00A7 D6 06 [3] 00139 ldab _PTEST.B0
00A9 86 01 [2] 00140 ldaa #1
00AB 97 04 [4] 00141 staa _PTEST.A2
00AD D7 05 [4] 00142 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00143 *
00144 * A2 = 257 + B0;
00AF D6 06 [3] 00145 ldab _PTEST.B0
00B1 4F [2] 00146 clra
00B2 CB 01 [2] 00147 addb #1
00B4 89 01 [2] 00148 adca #1
00B6 97 04 [4] 00149 staa _PTEST.A2
00B8 D7 05 [4] 00150 stab _PTEST.A2+1
00151 *
00152 * A2 = 1 + 2;
00BA CE 0003 [3] 00153 ldx #3
00BD DF 04 [5] 00154 stx _PTEST.A2
00155 *
00156 * goto 0AD03h;
00BF 7E AD03 [3] 00158 jmp $AD03
00159 *
00160 * end P$Test;
But wait, there’s more.
PL/M was known for being a fairly good optimizing compiler for its time. My simplistic approach of generating code as I parse will not do.
Something I had always intended to do was to build a tree while parsing to represent the program and use that to generate object code. Separating parsing and code generation results in two moderately complicated pieces instead of a single monstrously complex beast. More importantly, it opens the door to insert an optimizer in between.
The PL/M compiler is simple enough to be a good test platform for building this.
What I have right now is a single-line compiler to convert an assignment statement into a tree, then generate assembly language from that.
00012 **A0 = (B1 + 1) + A1;
00014 * * 0 := v A0 -> 1
00015 * * 1 L n 4
00017 * * 4 L n 2 -> 5
00019 * * 2 L v B1 -> 3
00020 * * 3 + c 1
00022 * * 5 + v A1
00025 * 2 L v B1 -> 3
00026 * 3 + c 1
0010 D6 0D [3] 00027 ldab B1
0012 5C [2] 00028 incb
00029 * 4 L n 2 -> 5
00030 * 5 + v A1
0013 4F [2] 00031 clra
0014 DB 07 [3] 00032 addb A1+1
0016 99 06 [3] 00033 adca A1
00034 * 1 L n 4
00035 * 0 := v A0 -> 1
0018 D7 05 [4] 00036 stab A0+1
001A 97 04 [4] 00037 staa A0
The generated comment lines show the original line of source code, the parse tree and the applicable nodes as code is generated.
Now the fun begins: playing with optimization of the tree.
How applicable this will be to compiling Python remains to be seen, but this is something I had been wanting to do for quite a long time.