[Project Log] Python on the 6502/C64, 8080, 6800, 6809 and AVR

In anticipation of this pending acquisition Altair 8800 mini-clone up for grabs, I have begun writing the run-time library code for the 8080.

This is a bit of 6502 code:

 039D AD 378C	      [4] 00373		lda	Zero_List		; Get list of variables to zero
 03A0 85 18	      [3] 00374		sta	Ptr0
 03A2 AD 378D	      [4] 00375		lda	Zero_List+1
 03A5 85 19	      [3] 00376		sta	Ptr0+1
 03A7			  00378	InitRTL1
 03A7 05 18	      [3] 00379		ora	Ptr0
 03A9 F0 18 (03C3)  [2/3] 00380		beq	InitRTL2		; No more uninitialized variables
 03AB A9 00	      [2] 00382		lda	#0			; Zero out this variable
 03AD A0 02	      [2] 00383		ldy	#2			; Point to the variable
 03AF 91 18	      [6] 00384		sta	(Ptr0),Y
 03B1 C8	      [2] 00385		iny
 03B2 91 18	      [6] 00386		sta	(Ptr0),Y
 03B4 A0 00	      [2] 00388		ldy	#0
 03B6 B1 18	    [5/6] 00389		lda	(Ptr0),Y
 03B8 AA	      [2] 00390		tax
 03B9 C8	      [2] 00391		iny
 03BA B1 18	    [5/6] 00392		lda	(Ptr0),y
 03BC 85 19	      [3] 00393		sta	Ptr0+1
 03BE 86 18	      [3] 00394		stx	Ptr0
 03C0 4C 03A7	      [3] 00396		jmp	InitRTL1
 03C3			  00398	InitRTL2
 03C3 AD 378E	      [4] 00399		lda	Init_List		; Get list of variables to initialize
 03C6 85 18	      [3] 00400		sta	Ptr0
 03C8 AD 378F	      [4] 00401		lda	Init_List+1
 03CB 85 19	      [3] 00402		sta	Ptr0+1
 03CD			  00404	InitRTL3
 03CD 05 18	      [3] 00405		ora	Ptr0
 03CF F0 1E (03EF)  [2/3] 00406		beq	InitRTL4		; No more initialized variables
 03D1 A0 02	      [2] 00408		ldy	#2			; Load variable value
 03D3 B1 18	    [5/6] 00409		lda	(Ptr0),Y
 03D5 AA	      [2] 00410		tax
 03D6 C8	      [2] 00411		iny
 03D7 B1 18	    [5/6] 00412		lda	(Ptr0),Y
 03D9 C8	      [2] 00414		iny				; Store variable value
 03DA 91 18	      [6] 00415		sta	(Ptr0),Y
 03DC C8	      [2] 00416		iny
 03DD 8A	      [2] 00417		txa
 03DE 91 18	      [6] 00418		sta	(Ptr0),Y
 03E0 A0 00	      [2] 00420		ldy	#0
 03E2 B1 18	    [5/6] 00421		lda	(Ptr0),Y
 03E4 AA	      [2] 00422		tax
 03E5 C8	      [2] 00423		iny
 03E6 B1 18	    [5/6] 00424		lda	(Ptr0),y
 03E8 85 19	      [3] 00425		sta	Ptr0+1
 03EA 86 18	      [3] 00426		stx	Ptr0
 03EC 4C 03CD	      [3] 00428		jmp	InitRTL3
 03EF			  00430	InitRTL4

and the corresponding 8080 code:

 0249 2A 02C1	     [16] 00295		lhld	Zero_List		; Get list of variables to zero
 024C			  00297	InitRTL1
 024C 7C	      [5] 00298		mov	A,H
 024D B5	      [4] 00299		ora	L
 024E CA 025E	     [10] 00300		jz	InitRTL2		; No more uninitialized variables
 0251 3E 00	      [7] 00302		mvi	A,0			; Zero out this variable
 0253 5E	      [7] 00303		mov	E,M			; Get low byte of next address
 0254 23	      [5] 00304		inx	H
 0255 56	      [7] 00305		mov	D,M			; Get high byte of next address
 0256 23	      [5] 00306		inx	H			; Point to the variable
 0257 77	      [7] 00307		mov	M,A
 0258 23	      [5] 00308		inx	H
 0259 77	      [7] 00309		mov	M,A
 025A EB	      [4] 00311		xchg				; Point HL to next
 025B C3 024C	     [10] 00313		jmp	InitRTL1
 025E			  00315	InitRTL2
 025E 2A 02C3	     [16] 00316		lhld	Init_List		; Get list of variables to initialize
 0261			  00318	InitRTL3
 0261 7C	      [5] 00319		mov	A,H
 0262 B5	      [4] 00320		ora	L
 0263 CA 0275	     [10] 00321		jz	InitRTL4		; No more initialized variables
 0266 5E	      [7] 00323		mov	E,M			; Get low byte of next address
 0267 23	      [5] 00324		inx	H
 0268 56	      [7] 00325		mov	D,M			; Get high byte of next address
 0269 23	      [5] 00326		inx	H			; Point to the value
 026A 4E	      [7] 00327		mov	C,M			; Get low byte of the value
 026B 23	      [5] 00328		inx	H
 026C 46	      [7] 00329		mov	B,M			; Get high byte of value
 026D 23	      [5] 00330		inx	H			; Point to the variable
 026E 71	      [7] 00331		mov	M,C			; Restore the value
 026F 23	      [5] 00332		inx	H
 0270 70	      [7] 00333		mov	M,B
 0271 EB	      [4] 00335		xchg				; Point HL to next
 0272 C3 0261	     [10] 00337		jmp	InitRTL3
 0275			  00339	InitRTL4

Note that a 2.5 MHz 8080 is roughly equivalent to a 1 MHz 6502.

Code for the 6800;

 020A 4F	      [2] 00299	         clra             ; The zero
 020B FE 025B	      [5] 00300	         ldx    Zero_List ; Get list of variables to zero
 020E 27 08 (0218)    [4] 00302	         beq    InitRTL2  ; No uninitialized variables
 0210			  00304	InitRTL1
 0210 A7 02	      [6] 00305	         staa   2,X       ; Zero out this variable
 0212 A7 03	      [6] 00306	         staa   3,X
 0214 EE 00	      [6] 00308	         ldx    ,X        ; Point to the next variable
 0216 26 F8 (0210)    [4] 00310	         bne    InitRTL1
 0218			  00312	InitRTL2
 0218 FE 025D	      [5] 00313	         ldx    Init_List ; Get list of variables to initialize
 021B 27 0D (022A)    [4] 00314	         beq    InitRTL4  ; No more initialized variables
 021D			  00316	InitRTL3
 021D A6 02	      [5] 00317	         ldaa   2,X       ; Load variable value
 021F A7 04	      [6] 00318	         staa   4,X       ; Store variable value
 0221 A6 03	      [5] 00319	         ldaa   3,X
 0223 A7 05	      [6] 00320	         staa   5,X
 0225 EE 00	      [6] 00322	         ldx    ,X        ; Point to the next variable
 0227 26 F4 (021D)    [4] 00323	         bne    InitRTL3
 0229			  00325	InitRTL4

and the 6809;

 0200 CC 0000		      [3] 00290	         ldd    #0        ; The zero
 0203 BE 0266		      [6] 00291	         ldx    Zero_List ; Get list of variables to zero
 0206 27 06 (020E)	      [3] 00293	         beq    InitRTL2  ; No uninitialized variables
 0208				  00295	InitRTL1
 0208 ED 02		      [6] 00296	         std    2,X       ; Zero out this variable
 020A AE 84		      [5] 00298	         ldx    ,X        ; Point to the next variable
 020C 26 FA (0208)	      [3] 00300	         bne    InitRTL1
 020E				  00302	InitRTL2
 020E BE 0268		      [6] 00303	         ldx    Init_List ; Get list of variables to initialize
 0211 27 21 (0234)	      [3] 00304	         beq    InitRTL4  ; No more initialized variables
 0213				  00306	InitRTL3
 0213 EC 02		      [6] 00307	         ldd    2,X       ; Load variable value
 0215 ED 04		      [6] 00308	         std    4,X       ; Store variable value
 0217 AE 84		      [5] 00310	         ldx    ,X        ; Point to the next variable
 0219 26 F8 (0213)	      [3] 00311	         bne    InitRTL3
 021B				  00313	InitRTL4
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