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Thank you this is my current process.
I make a positive from polymer clay.
I make a proto putty mold and cast in a pressure pot. I the drill a hole through the rose as the epoxy resin rose is attached to a metal pipet to allow for scent to pass through the art piece.
I am putting led into the resin. So i think the resin and possible heat stress may brake the leds. I was thinking of coating fiber optic cable in the middle and embedding that in the epoxy resin and the externally lighting the epoxy resin.
I saw a wood turner on youtube who was also struggling with the exothermic heat that the resin created. He has two different solutions. For one of his resins he put it into a freezer during curing to slow the reaction. You could probably use an ice bath.
The other solution was a very slow curing (3 days) resin that he claimed had no discernible exothermic reaction. Start at about the 6:00 point of this video if you’re interested.