Progress in the Ca room over the last week

Another cabinet was purchased and built to store painting and drawing items.
The shapeoko got a fancy little tool chest and a good dehording of wood.
Vinyl is starting to go up and old labels are going down.
Some stuff was purged and good times were had. Big thanks to @mreynolds @baileyfry Amelia, and everyone else who did a little something something

Serious push to make this space spruced up in a way that really shines for open house. We deserve a well organized space and something that really welcomes people in. Hope you enjoy the changes and are willing to work your booty off. Lots to get done!

Big to dos (pick one):
Painting hallways
Cleaning and shining up
Label making till we are blue in the face
Hanging posters
Hanging the mat cutter
Hanging 10x10 show
Finish the trophies
Possibly building an entire room and moving if so room rearrange/furniture put together


The new labels look great!

Everything looks great! Kudos on all the hard work.

I believe that we need a very large vinyl label on the south wall (next to the door) saying something like … Be Excellent. Please contribute for consumables used, even those without a price listed.

I know this is opening a can of worms … but some people don’t realize that their monthly dues primarily pay for rent and electricity. A lot of single dollar contributions would go a long way toward replenishing paint, and glue, and dye, and markers, etc.

FWIW, John K. and I put the vacuum cleaner on a tub. This makes it possible for the vacuum hose to reach to the back of the Shapeoko enclosure so it can be stored on the right side.


Great idea!
We are soon going to be mounting a large mat cutter on the wall that had the chalkboard. Once that’s complete we will have a better indication of how much space/sight lines. Hopefully we gain the room and we will have lots of options.

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