Programming/electro-mechanical help required

Hi folks

I am involved with the MakerSpace here in eastern Canada. DMS’ Steve Blanchard suggested I approach the group here.

By a roundabout set of circumstances, I have been collaborating with a gentleman in Dallas in building a couple of electro-mechanical projects.

The latest is a self-guided power mower with electronic compass navigation and controlled by one Arduino and a CUBLOC industrial controller.

I have been involved with the prototype ver 1 up here. The control system is now in Dallas for more testing/development on prototype ver 2.

My contact in Dallas could benefit from having a programmer/electro-mechanical troubleshooter much closer than the 3000 miles that separates us now.

Is there a possibility that someone at DMS would be interested in helping this gentleman progress toward his vision for this machine? It’s ironic that he lives only a few miles from DMS!

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