At @Natasha_Cooks and several other members request I am going to offer a workshop this weekend (assuming the event is accepted) starting at 5:00p Saturday June 27th. The workshop will commence with a short lecture discussing the basic principles in lighting for still photography and then we will have a hands on session where we will photograph several small (lets say less then 8" cube) objects.
I have requested that the workshop be limited to eight people. I encourage all interested participants to bring their own camera’s (though I will have two of my own to demonstrate with) so that we can show how they can be used. This includes a cell phone camera if that is all you have available.
The techniques discussed will improve your shots, regardless of the equipment you have available; however, as with most things once you learn the basics the more flexible cameras (manual control of exposure settings, and flash triggering) can make the shots easier and faster.
Also, please let them know this session will have different event brite tickets when classroom approves it and it shows up on the calendar. No charge, eight tickets available.
Looks like the classroom space isn’t available for this Saturday or next Monday or Tuesday. I will try to reschedule this, but it will be after the fourth of July.
The lecture part of the workshop is based upon this book I highly recommend anyone interested download it (or purchase it). It is also available for borrowing from local libraries. This is the absolutely best (and easiest to understand) instruction on lighting for still photography ever produced.
I have placed what will always be the current version of the slides for this class on a wiki sub-page of the digital media committee. Feel free to provide any feedback you wish, whether you are coming to the class or not. I expect to cover the material in these slides in about 1 hour with the remaining hour of the class being more hands on.