Procedure for renting a truck

I need to rent a truck to pick up some cases of “fluorescent” lights for DMS (actually, LED’s but same physical shape).

Do we have anything that resembles a procedure for doing that? Any recommended suppliers?


When do they need to be picked up? I have a truck.

Do you have a DMS credit card? If so you just get the truck like any other purchase. It is NOT tax free, DMS pays taxes on rentals. Gas is charged to the card also, expensify has categories for these.

Home Depot simply has the best deal for local pickups.

I would find a volunteer instead, as I transported all of the bulbs we did in the shop in the back of my SUV.


if you can do this Saturday I’m also available to lend a hand with my truck as well; Metal had been planning on some of the LED fixtures in the near future anyway and I was debating installing a bit earlier.


Probably Monday.

They’re in Garland … at 1000 Bulbs.

The problem is that the supplier is open M-F, “business hours”.

PM me to talk about your LED conversion - we’re going to have the electrician on site very soon to do the other conversions. He charges about $20 per fixture to do the modification, and it takes about $25 of bulbs for each fixture.

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You could probably get a courier service to grab them and deliver to dms for the same price or less than a rental. I’ll look up who we use so you have a source to talk to.


For 1,000 bulbs, you figure they would deliver for free.

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Tangential, but I’d consider removing the diffusers given that they tend to collect dust/soot and the lighting in metal shop has always struck me as marginal.

Actually, they want $200.

It’s a lot of bulbs … I mean, a lot of bulbs. Some of them are 8’ long and palletized.

But … The electrician is going to start with the 4-footers. Those could be picked up in a “regular” truck. There will be 7 or 8 cases of 16 bulbs.

We use Mike’s delivery for most DFW couriering,
Here is their website,
Just give them a ring they are very nice to deal with.

An alternative is DDS, here is their website,


How many? I now have a pickup but it has a 5 1/2 foot bed. If this is big enough I’ll volunteer.

@Robert_Davidson has an account at Ryder for DMS. It’s on Beltline road. I would get one there. It’s pretty easy and they do after hours drop off.


It is coming from 1000 Bulbs in Garland.

There are two kinds of retrofits and two kinds of bulbs.

The Flex and office areas use 4’ bulbs. The electrician can install these next week. There will be 8 cases of qty 16 each. I estimate each case is about 10" x 10" x 52". The total cube should be about 30" x 30" x 52". We could use those immediately.

The warehouse will need 8’ bulbs. Those will need some type of delivery service or truck. But we’re not ready to install those because we also have to rent a lift.

I can order the 4’ bulbs separately to make things easier.

I work in Garland and also have a truck. Happy to help on Monday if needed.

Quick question,

Are we paying for these bulbs?

In all commercial leases I’ve been a part of, the landlord makes sure that there is at least a bulb in every socket that lights up. I’ve had to replace bulbs or loose my deposit at all commercial leases I left from, unless the next leaser signed of on not having the bulbs replaced.


Are we just upgrading the lights to a LED standard?

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I believe these are all upgrades,


what needs to be modified?
Aren’t they just a remove and replace?
Are these the kind of fluorescent bulbs you’re looking at?

Doubtful. Probably more like these:

Feit, Philips, GE - pretty much any LED ‘tube’ you buy retail is overpriced and requires a ballast. Problem is that with at least 3 major ballast topologies, odds that your tube will work with it are depressingly low. Removing the ballast eliminates a superfluous, failure-prone part.

This is in line with what Logistics has done across wide swaths of suite 104.


I believe the whole fixture is being removed and replaced. It is easier and faster than rewiring/upgrading an existing fixture. @StanSimmons at provide more precise details as I’m pretty much parroting (accurately I hope) what he said to me and others when over there.