My wife and I are looking to take woodshop 1-4 as soon as possible. Can anyone give us a private class this weekend? We are available Saturday (except 1 PM to 2 PM and after 6 PM) and Sunday.
I don’t know a lot about private classes, so forgive me if I am asking for something that is against rules, or going about it the wrong way. (I am not trying to get around any roles, just trying to find a solution if there is one).
We just saw the July 30th classes tonight so we registered the two of use for that (and filled all 4 classes). If we can get private classes, we will cancel those reservations and open up some slots there.
I heard that the private classes may cost more and may not include actually completing the cutting board project. That is not an issue for us.
I can be reached on my cell phone at 817-994-4411 any time.
Thank you,
Charles Zipper
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My number is (214)229-2423. Private classes are $25 total per student for all 4 sections, so it only costs $5 more to do a private/semi-private lesson. The class fee should be paid in cash to the instructor at the time of the class. You’ll make a bread board instead of a cutting board. I will be there all day today if you would like to come up and take the class(es).
Do you do yoga instructions too?
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Hi Mark, I’d like to take a private class as well, would anyone be available on Monday or Tuesday?
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I will be here Monday. What time are you thinking?
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Any time that is convenient for you, I am free all day
I will send you a PM when I get in on Monday.
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I also need to set up a private class as soon as you are available. I tried sending a PM to team_woodshop but the site doesn’t let me do that. Should I just call your number?
Yes, give him a ring or text him.
I have been offering half price private lessons for DMS members this past month to help reduce the backlog of members needing woodshop access. I’m going to host several safety and output oriented “Bread Board Boot Camp” classes on the Dallas Makerspace calendar payable through the Eventbrite app starting August 1st. These classes will be open to the public, and admission will be available at half price to Dallas Makerspace members. The single course will last approximately 2 hours and will satisfy the training requirements for the large stationary tools in the woodshop. I will resume teaching private lessons at the regular price as time allows after the classes get going if anyone is still interested. I will also offer 1 set of the detailed, setup oriented woodshop 1-4 courses per month as outlined in our honorarium plan.
Many more woodworking project and theory classes are under development, and several woodshop instructors are working towards evaluator certification with Woodwork Career Alliance (WCA) so that we can provide training and certification in line with professional standards on a variety of subjects.
So to not make another thread about private classes.
Could any instructor provide a private class for myself and 2 partners? We are looking to get into makerspace and take a bunch of different classes for each one of our interests. Like others it is tough to get any classes because there is three of us and they get snapped up quickly.
Any one interested?
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