Printmaking happenings January & February *recent class photos!"

sorry these are so late in coming … but here are some images out of both January and February classes!

Block printing Basic - January

January Screen Basics

January Laser Engraved Wood Block Printing

Complex Cloth * Tumbling Tachikomas*

Print-A-Thon - January

Advanced Screen Printing ** Specialty Ink Clear and Discharge ink process

Discharge Ink experiments on Poly-Cotton Blends

Advanced Block Printing Valentine edition * exploring Chincole’


Advanced screen printing ** 4 color printing with one screen"


I am very interested in trying som but I have no idea where to start because
'of my poor vision

My depth perception is off

There us a scratch foam class this Friday which introduces color as well as all the other block printing basics without cutting blades. It would give you an opportunity to get your feet wet printmaking. We hope to see you :slight_smile:


This stuff is so cool. My fave is the “Buddy Jesus” shirt :angel:

prints from scratchfoam multi color multi plate printing