Printmaking Committee


You’re a committee!

I’ve updated your Wiki page to reflect this, and added the committee to the chairs list also.

Do you have an elected or interim chair?


We do. Our elected chair is Matthew Mulherin.


Wooo! Big ups to the new committee!

I’m really looking forward to the printmaking equipment having a home.
With printing gear being more accessible I can see accessing it a lot more often.

@HoarseHorace … I’ve set your Talk title to “Printmaking Committee Chair” and I’ve added you to the Committee Chairs group (i.e., email list).

I’ve elevated the Printmaking Talk category so it is no longer a sub of Creative Arts.

But folks … I desperately need any kind of a picture to put on the Talk category. 4x3 landscape aspect ratio works best. It can be artwork, people, tooling, or whatever. Remember it will be just a couple inches when it is shown so if it is intricate that detail will be lost.


And another thing … I have set up a group email @Team_Printmaking … Right now Matthew is the only name in the group.

@HoarseHorace … Please help me help you. In addition to the picture above, please canvass your group and PM me a list of TalkIDs of who should be added to the group.

How you use the email group is up to you, so that will determine who chooses to be in the group. Some committees use the group to notify/contact everyone in the group when there is relevant information to share. Some committees use the group as the key maintainers who fix problems.

Be advised, however, that any time someone tags the group email on Talk, everyone in the group gets notified.

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When do you need the logo by? I think the print monkey logo would be appropriate, but DMS needs to buy it first ($4). I plan on having finances worked out by the weekend, and then we can purchase. I can get something in the interim if needed.

For the committee email, for sure @FrenchFrog @Print_Witch @Hardsuit @HoarseHorace and I’ll see if we need others.

What do you need from me as far as the expansion effort? I believe Paul gave you a spreadsheet, do you need anything further?

Timing on the picture/logo is entirely up to you. With the announcement of the new committee, however, you may get a lot of initial interest and right now there’s nothing for them to see. You can decide if an interim issue is right or not.


He did and it looks clear enough to me. Do you have / need a copy of it?

congratulations. I hope to see good things from you guys and gals.


What’s the best way to get the logo to you?

I’ve got a copy. Wasn’t sure if the requirements have changed since it was submitted.

We may not fling chips, but we sure do sling ink. I bet you could make a rockin intaglio plate. Thanks for the support!

Yes been making plates for a long time- metal, plastic, rubber, wood. The laser is one good Todd but not for 3d work

We are not a committee on the calendar for honorarium yet. Who do I need to contact to have that fixed?

Fixed, you’ll find it under Printmaking

Just posted a class, it’s under CA. Can you change it over?

I cannot, however I can reject the class and you can resubmit. Is that acceptable?

That’ll work. Thanks Luke!

rejected, please repost :slight_smile: