Do we have a printer that can print sticky decals. The decals are 50x54 inches but I can split it up into smaller pieces. Thanks for the help I am not really a creative arts guy.
Yes, we have a vinyl cutter and vinyl, which I think is what you’re looking for. It’s $2 per linear foot. The vinyl is in rolls and depending on color have a few different widths.
It isn’t 50" wide though, our vinyl cutter only goes up to about 28" i believe (might be a bit less)
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I’m thinking he may be referring to printing to sticky backed vinyl on one of the large plotters in the Annex. Not sure if we have that type of media for it.
I am trying to make decals for a rc airplane.
We have a 15" wide roll of matte chrome vinyl that is designed to be printed on. I haven’t heard of anyone trying it yet.