Printing on transparent paper for screen printing

Hey everyone! I am trying to get my vector from adobe illustrator to be printed onto transparent paper (which I have) to then be used to burn my image into a screen. I want peoples opinions about what I should do as far as my design considering how its two colors. At the bottom I made sure that I split the black line so that they wouldn’t be over each other and that would be a little easier but I still need advice on what I should do since it’s multiple colors on the same screen. I know that you can just put paper behind it and then wash it out and use another color but is it too close for mine? Since my screen is plenty tall should I have the black part of the design printed on the top of the screen and then print the red on the bottom and then that way they wouldn’t be so close to one another?

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I really like your art work!
I am new at the silk screens but, I would add 4 registration marks, one in each corner to match the screen to what you are printing on. I saw a great YouTube video that used chalk to match up.


Burn it all at the same time on the same screen. I don’t see any issues with masking off one color and then the next, you have enough room to do that fairly easily.

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Take the advice of Paul @Hardsuit. He’s the master and knows what he’s doing on this.

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