Pressure treated wood. Ok for woodshop cutting?

I know that the moisture in pressure treated wood can trip the SawStop.

Setting that aside, is it OK to cut PT wood on the other saws at DMS?

I don’t recall it being explicitly prohibited in the Woodshop Basics class I took but it’s been a while and the rules may have changed since then.

Can’t find anything on the Woodshop Wiki or in other Talk discussions. This is probably a @Team_Woodshop question.


Shouldn’t be a problem for cutting - typical precautions apply (see link) - in the bad ol’ days, they used arcenicals…not good.

If you want to dig a little into the chemistry: Overview of Wood Preservative Chemicals | US EPA

I was specifically told hard no by Chris due mostly to the chemical inhalation. And the other issue with that fancy stop saw. FWIW.

So what is the verdict on Pressure Treated in woodshop? Wiki says it is banned., Several articles I’ve read say the newer stuff may not be any worse than many of the naturally toxic exotics.
I’ve offered to help a friend with a Boy Scout project. Using Multicam or other CNC set up to carve memorial/dedications in the on the backs of about 12 Leopold Benches. Fundraiser at Wesley Academy. Benches are all built except for engraving.

Link to general concept on bench back

Pressure treated woods are banned in the woodshop.


You will need to visit a solution such as - I expect there are many other hand router fonts sets available.

You other option is to cut signs and screw them on the back.

I’m really not sure which CMC machines would have the Z travel to do it. Order of operations for employing most CNC routers has been violated with your workflow.,0,300x180/

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Thanks. I showed the scout leader the Rockler signmaking templates.
with over a dozen benches and pretty long messages, It seemed a bit laborious. The boys built the benches but not sure she can get them organized to help her set up the templates.
Thanks. Thanks for the input.

How about pantograph & handheld router?
Izzy Swan example

could be used with a printer to print the design to trace, mount handheld router as Izzy demos, trace image with router on desired workpiece…

If one of the participants (or one of DMS’ members) has one and wishes to donate the time/tape/etc., the Shaper Origin handheld CNC can do this, supposedly…
simple example

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There’s a decent chance I could do this for you. Full disclosure: Former DMS member and head of the Multicam SIG while there. Have my own shop near Six Flags with two large CNC routers. Either PM or contact direct with an email to [email protected]


Thanks. Good Suggestion.
Will bring that to the scout master.

Thanks Bert.
I’ll keep that in mind and will check with the Scoutmaster on it and get back with you. Thanks for the offer.
Would scouts be able to observe in your shop. Several of them are really into CAD/CAM/3D printing etc.

I’m no CNC expert by any means. I hope t be if I can ever get some training.

I certainly hope so … kinda counting on younger muscles to move those 12 benches!
Caveat … need to bring their own safety gear.

Have just realised Izzys demo shows reducing size, but hopefully it’s easy to see that scale can be adjusted (or at least, pre-designed) using Pantagraph technology…