PR Meeting Minutes 2018.10.01

Here are the meeting minutes. Please notify me of corrections.

Feel free to discuss items here. The next meeting is Oct 14th at 4pm. (A Sunday for those that cannot make Mondays).


Did I miss where the pins are discussed?

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Quick eye Cairenn. I updated with what I believe is the correct information.

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I still have sign in information somewhere for a DMS Pinterest account. Lisa was part of that. I thought it useful. Just letting you know in case you think so, too.

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That was a busy meeting !

I have the account info. But Pinterest is next week. I do however need a lead on that account @clk75201:smiley:

@LisaSelk is helping with the Instagram account, getting that transferred to the generic [email protected] to make it easier for whomever follows.

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Exit interviews.

When someone cancels they are ask why they are quitting. Most people put something in that field.

The BOD gets an email about every single cancellation.

Eight months ago there was a fairly consistent complaint about not getting the classes they wanted to be able to use the space.

The current cancellations are usually moved, finished current project, cannot afford it or do not have the time. Very few are people we could retain.

The data is buried in one of our many databases. I am willing to find it and homogenized the exit reasons. I would like to hide the people’s names. Leave the reason written and categorize them into appropriate subsets. Report on it monthly. The cancellation reasons are all hand written. So quitting might have 6 common variants. WHY people are leaving is important to watch. I read these emails daily, specifically, their name and reason. Currently, not much opportunity to bring people back. For instance if someone is moving out of state, what can you say?

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I’m happy to do it. Kind of a junky anyway. Kept adding things to my personal Pinterest page to accomplish when I came back.

I’m hoping to attend your rotary laser class, btw. Still having trouble signing into events, but I bet I figure it out soon.

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