I don’t see another powder coating class on the Event calendar. When will the next class be held @Team_Metal_Shop ?
I don’t see another powder coating class on the Event calendar. When will the next class be held @Team_Metal_Shop ?
I think there is an issue with powder coating inside. I think @Team_Metal_Shop is working on a solution.
Yes, it came to our attention that NFPA considers powder coating the same
as other paint media for fire code purposes and requires a booth with an
automatic sprinkler system for indoors. DMS has an outdoor booth but when
we can we need together get some of the interested instructors together and
lay out a class plan that uses said booth. It’s a 10x10’ booth with a
positive airflow into a filtration system, and with two people who know the
booth can be setup in under 10 minutes or one person in 15-20.
Really the issue is then bringing the pieces back inside to the oven with getting them mucked up.
Exactly. The workpiece mover we’re designing should be stable enough, so
I’m still CADing out a few options
The powder media I’ve got says application and storage should occur at < 80°F and < 50% humidity. Humidity is generally close enough around here, but temperature outside isn’t going to be below 80° more than half the year. Anyone know if/how much 100° application temp would impact results?
The metal shop is in the 80s currently a chunk of the time regardless.
It should be fine, and with that spray Booth’s filter system running air moves through pretty well. We could also evaluate a duct of some kind to draw in cooler air
I’m going to have to take that class. Sounds like much has changed since the original demo class.
We were informed that we can’t spray inside due to an NFPA thing, so we have to setup the booth outside. Otherwise everything is basically the same.
Will there be another class on powder coating? I just cut a design out and am anxious to coat it
still working out the logistics due to the spray requirements we were informed of. However, Eastwood (the maker of the current recommended gun we have on hand) has a great set of youtube videos, and the biggie note is to ensure you have a good ground.
If you need the sign off on the large oven I can do a quick one on one, or you can get it from anyone who has had the training.
I’ll see what I can get on the calendar. Otherwise feel free to ping me and see when we can meet at the space.
I am ten minutes away from the makerspace and can meet you up there when you want. I am unsure of any of this coating thing. My piece is a 16 inch round.
Any update on this? I have some welding to do and then I’d like to try poweder coating the rails I’ve made. They’re 3/4" square tube about 5 feet long (5 of them).
What materials do I need to purchase to do this?
We have everything needed at the space. Powders are on the shelf and paid by the ounce (weigh jar before and after).
The main consideration for you is holding the parts in the oven. It’s big enough but for parts that long you may want to make a jig.
I’ll be out over the next few days and track I’ll track you down for a lesson. The rails are setup so I can easily use a bolt and a coat hanger to get them hung up.