Potential Partnership Programs for Software and VCC

Since safari books is a no go there is other options available to us. The following is a list of potential partners that we can seek out for offering value to the membership.

TechStars -



Further options:



As a reminder we still have our partnership with pearsonvue.com (new instructure is scheduled to come on site soon), freecodecampdallas.com, patreon, and the majordomo fund.

Accelerators we could also network with and bounty boards we can pull from for hackathons:



Bounty boards


Hosting a hackathon to hunt for bugs may work…

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Yep, Would cover the issue about how to draw in attendees and what to reward them with.

Also reminds me we need to setup tech talks and demo days.

Start with a class on techniques for finding flaws and how to write an effective bug report, then turn everybody loose.

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@Narkane your wanting to be more involved right? well this is the kind of things we need to coordinate on. Let’s start drafting up the course work and release schedule. Then we can get the hackathon up as well.

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Sounds great. I replied on discord finally sorry. Will u be there tomorrow or following days?
Either way I’ll pencil in writing up some ideas tomorrow and more throughly reading up

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well since Wednesdays are office hours for the committee, one will always find me at the space

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