Possible Sunday afternoon Craft-of-the-week time?

I hope this is the right place to ask this question, but I was thinking about scheduling a time on Sunday afternoons (maybe 1-3) where I could do a Craft-of-the-week. I love to try new things and I have a lot of supplies that I have collected and ideas that I want to try out. For instance, I have a great book on making little fairy people out of pipe cleaners wrapped with embroidery floss and dressed with felt and silk flower petals. I also like making paper beads and saw a book in the CA room that has some techniques I’d like to try. I have some fabric I would like to try dyeing. Etc., etc., etc.

What I’m thinking is that I would announce each week what the craft would be, bring enough supplies for 3 or 4 extra people, and those who want to join me could do so. This way I could try out new things, get rid of some of my huge collection of craft supplies, share with others, and not have multiple crafts all over my house!

Does that sound like a good idea? I don’t know if this format is appropriate or how to schedule things.


Sounds lke it migt be fun for folks. Strongly suggest you add it to events to reservte e space in a classrpom pr in CA. Because it isn’t for a honorarium the 12 day rule doesn’t apply.

Go for it! It sounds fun.

The event as David said will need to be added to the calendar to reserve the room and help prevent two classes from happening in one room at once.

To do this go to dallasmakerspace.org
Click on Events.
First check the calendar for the time and day you want to create the event. Make sure no class has already reserved the room.
Feel free to pick another room if Creative Arts is taken Purple Class room or Interactive class room will work fine as well
One you have a room figured out click on Add Event. Fill out all the relevant info.

If you have any more questions please ask.

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