I realize this is asking a lot but is there anyone willing to run me through the welding safety mig class. I think the one class scheduled on a day I could make it filled super quick and I missed out. All the not full classes I’ve seen are on days I can’t make it. If not I’ll just keep checking the calendar that’s no biggie but if anyone is willing and has the time I’d certainly appreciate it!
There’s one on the calendar now that’s not full for Tuesday, 9/4, at 7pm. If that doesn’t work for you, I’m sure we can work something out.
I’ll be up at the space tomorrow from 3 until 9, and if I have time I could probably do it. Just ask around for Malcolm.
Unfortunately Saturdays are never free for me and Tuesdays are usually booked as well but I may be able to make the one on the fourth hopefully. @brsims would brazing work any better for that folding chair you helped me with or just equal flaming cushions?