In no way did I want to pull away from the show thats currently about to happen (of which I’m also going to be in) but I’m opening a pretty sweet art gallery in Lewisville that everyone needs to come check out! We open June 1st fyi. With that being said we have a shortage of artists that make 3d art - sculptures, things, stuffs, and thingy mabobs. Essentially not paintings as we have plenty of those. Our ideal pieces are anything not normal or considered “fine art” and affordable hence “Underground”. If you want check out our facebook page or email us at [email protected] for more info. You obviously can reply here but i get busy forget to check here for inquiries. That wouldn’t be a problem if we had something that did push notifications… ahem wink wink Help me build a community that doesnt exist in a town with so much potential!
Push Notifications do you count emails? Cause you should have got this message via a email
I do but i have so many emails all the time. On different accounts and it’s not always time efficient.