Polyprinters being left preheated

Many times I have come in to see someone left one of the printers was left at temp. This has to be bad for the nozzle and the heaters. Is there anyway to setup a auto cool down if left inactive so this does not keep happing.

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There is. The first step is to get permission from the chair of 3D fabrication to put such a thing in place. Are you volunteering to get that permission?

The second step is to define the parameters under which the two setpoints are reset.

I’ve seen a number of times where the controller has crashed (or similar) and the heater is still on as a result.

This is a neat feature implemented in the UTA FAblab version of octoprint. If you are better with raspberry pis than I am you should grab “octopuppet” from the UTA FAblab GitHub, and get it running on a pi. Show the chair (@axeonos) that you got it going and how it could save us quite a bit of trouble